For a long time I have wanted to do dark designs. As much as I love my original brand sometimes I needed a different outlet. I tried creating other small brands but it simply didn't truly fit. Until not long ago it finally clicked. The brand name came to me while I was listening to Marilyn Manson. I know most people freak out when they hear his name but I can care less.
This is one of the first pieces I created for :x: Disturbing :x: It was a lot of fun not creating formal for once. Also being able to design in my color addiction of black and red only. Plus the photography and editing was the opposite which was also fun. I might even do some black and white photography.
This was the creative outlet I surely needed after recently going through some rough times. It's my way of healing and letting out my negative energy. Great friends do get surprised asking how do you do it after all that happened? Sometimes it's better for me to not answer that question because it's not always pretty like roses.