Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Holiday Season is here

I haven't blogged in a while so it feels good to write again. I have had a long summer and things have not slowed down at all. The Gotham Island event finally ended on October 31st and we surpassed our set goal. Next on my list is The Christmas Expo in which I have been working on my store and designs as well. Besides that I've honestly been quiet these days and only talk to very few people not counting anything business related. I'm simply to busy to be active in the way I was before.

Right now I am just looking forward to the holiday season starting soon and taking that Christmas break to refresh for the new year. I also wanted to do a winter artsy style photo so I came up with this and like it very much. The coat I'm wearing which is perfect for winter is from Gizza, that brand however is now closed.

There is some exciting news to share as the first ever charity awards was held in Second Life. I'm proud I did so well and was surprised at a few of the results. I will just be listing mine below.

Rising Coordinator Star - Winner
Best Volunteer Award - Winner
Best Supportive Designer - Winner
Best Supportive Blogger - Winner
Best Use of Web - Winner
Best Web Design - Winner

Best New or One Time Charity
– Autism Speaks Charity – 2nd Place
– Miles For Memories (ALZ) – 3rd Place

Best US Charity
– Autism Speaks – 3rd Place

Finical Management Award
Social Media Award
– Miss Royalty Foundation – 3rd Place

Best Supportive Musician/DJ/Radio
– Rose Mikaelson – 2nd Place